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At Temple Israel, we believe that music is the heartbeat of our spiritual expression, and it serves as a powerful conduit to connect our community through joyous experiences. You will find it at Shabbat Services, ringing through the halls during Sunday School, and after hours at TIMPO concerts.

TIMPO – The Temple Israel Music & Programming Outreach

Timpo is the newest music initiative to bring music to our congregation through classes, ensembles, and other creative opportunities. Our philosophy is music belongs to everyone. Learn more about TIMPO and the upcoming programs here.

Sanctuary – The Best of Temple Israel Music

Music is at the core of our spiritual expression here at Temple Israel. It is the pulse of Shabbat services; it brings our intentions into focus during the High Holy Days; it helps us celebrate our Simchas throughout the year. Over this last year, Temple hosted talented musicians like Rick Recht, Elana Arian, Craig Taubman, and Noah Aronson. Their performances were so transformative that we curated a “best of” anthology called “Sanctuary” to share their music with a wider audience. This inspired collection can be enjoyed wherever you are – on a walk, in the car, meditating on a beach, or in the background as you host Shabbat dinner. We hope it can be a spiritual anchor for your every day.

Other Ways to Get Involved

We want to hear from you! If you have an idea for a new group or would like to lead a group, please let us know. We are always looking for new ideas and ways to enhance our community. Click here to share your idea.

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