Temple Israel makes learning irresistible – no matter your age. The opportunities are endless. Learn about our programs for early learning all the way to adult education below.
The Barbara K. Lipman Early Learning Center (Infant-K)
The Wendy & Avron Fogelman Early Learning Center (Grades K-12, Hebrew School)
Temple Israel University – TIU (Adult)
Exploring and Embracing Judaism (Conversion Classes)
Temple Israel Tribes
Barbara K. Lipman Early Learning Center
The Barbara K. Lipman Early Learning Center is a nationally accredited program providing a high-quality academic experience for children. We give first priority to Temple Israel members, but enrollment is open to the community.
Wendy & Avron Fogelman Religious School
The Wendy & Avron Fogelman Religious School strives to help each student in kindergarten through high school develop a positive Jewish identity and a deep connection to the Jewish community.
B’nai Mitzvah
Part of the Wendy & Avron Fogelman Religious School is the individualized preparation to become a B’nai Mitzvah under the guidance and support of the education department, clergy, lay leaders, and mentors.
In the B’nai Mitzvah program, students:
Prepare to lead the Shabbat service in which they become b’nai mitzvah;
Learn to read or chant Torah and Haftarah portions;
Explore and participate in social action programs and projects.
Temple Isreal University
Lifelong learning is a core value at Temple Israel and TIU is the umbrella under which all adult education happens. It is a mitzvah to study – we aim to deepen your Jewish life at Temple throughout your adult years. No experience is necessary! TIU classes are taught by our knowledgeable clergy and special guests who cover a range of subjects from Israeli politics to forgiveness. Stay up to date by visiting our Calendar page or by signing up for our weekly e-newsletter.
Exploring and Embracing Judaism
For those interested in learning more about Judaism or conversion, call our front desk at 901.761.3130. Learn more about Exploring Judaism here. Learn about the conversion process, Embracing Judaism, here.
Temple Israel Tribes
Temple Israel is a dynamic community that encourages members to explore and share their passions. Our diverse Tribes offer a unique opportunity to meet with others who share similar hobbies and creative pursuits to encourage inspiring conversations and lifelong connections. Learn more here.
There is always something going on at Temple Israel!