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B’nai Mitzvah

Welcome to B’nai Mitzvah at Temple Israel!

Our students receive individualized preparation to become B’nai mitzvah under the guidance and support of the education department, clergy, lay leaders, and mentors. In the B’nai Mitzvah program, students will:

Prepare to lead the Shabbat morning service in which they become B’nai mitzvah;

Learn to read or chant Torah and Haftarah portions;

Explore and participate in social action programs and projects.

B’nai Mitzvah Site

Please go to our dedicated B’nai Mitzvah website for more information and resources: timemphisbnaimitzvah.org.


For more information about the B’nai Mitzvah program at Temple Israel or about registration, fees, and scheduling, contact Jackie Evans at 901.937.2777 or jackiee@timemhpis.org.

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