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Upcoming Events

WRJ Sisterhood Goes to the Movies

Join WRJ on Monday, January 20, 10:00 AM, at Ridgeway Cinema Grill to see "A Hidden Life." Based on real events, […]

WRJ – Theater on a Sunday Afternoon

Off Site

Join your sisters for the theater on Sunday, January 26, at 2:00 PM at Circuit Playhouse for Indecent, the story of a […]

The Mystic @ Crosstown

Crosstown Concourse 1350 Concourse Avenue #280, Memphis, TN

"Talking About My Generation" hosted by Rabbi Micah Greenstein Every generation's label (Greatest, Boomers, Millennials, X, Y, Z) serves as […]

WRJ Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh

Temple Israel

Rosh Chodesh Shevat January’s program will explore modern miracles.  A miracle can be described as an event that defies rational […]

Career Transition Meeting

Temple Israel


Lunch & Learn

Temple Israel

Join Rabbi Feivel for a lively discussion on an interesting topic. Bring your own lunch. Beverages and cookies are provided.

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