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Temple Israel Pride Shabbat

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Friday, June 4
6 PM - 7:30 PM

Pride Shabbat in the Sanctuary! Register to attend here.
Streamed via our website and Facebook

In honor of Pride Month and our LGBTQ+ Temple family, we invite you to the first Shabbat service held indoors in a year! Alongside Rabbi Greenstein and Cantorial Soloist Happie Hoffman, we are honored to hear a sermon delivered by Temple congregant, John Minervini – flying in from San Fransisco!

As we welcome you back for indoor Shabbat services, please keep in mind:
It takes a village.
Keeping everyone in our community safe requires all of our participation, which is why we ask that each person wear a mask and stay physically distanced while inside the building.
Arrive on-time.
At this time, Temple will not provide a preneg or oneg. Please arrive 15 minutes before services and use our outdoor spaces to socialize after.
Together – with a bit of distance!
The Sanctuary offers the wide-open space we need to host indoor Shabbat services. Instead of blocking off sections, we ask that you choose a spot that allows for an appropriate amount of distance between pods/persons.
Stay home if you feel unwell.
If you feel unwell, please stay home and enjoy services live-streamed from our website or Facebook. 
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. We look forward to seeing you!
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