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Family Shabbat B’yachad Dinner

Join us as we gather for our first Family Shabbat B’yachad of 2025! We’ll gather on January 24 from 6-6:30 PM for the service led by Rabbi Ross Levy and Music Director Emily Groff Heilborn, featuring the TI Teen Band and Song Leaders.

After the service, from 6:30-7:15 PM, we’ll gather for salmon or Italian spaghetti dinner with meatballs and red sauce.  Dinner will be $9 a person with a limit of $36 for a family of 4 or more.

Sign up for dinner before January 15, 2025, so we’ll know how much food to have on hand.

Family Shabbats are made possible in part by Cindy & Mark Finestone.

Register for dinner
Friday, January 24
6:30 AM - 7:15 PM
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