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Not Your Mama’s Chanukah Party

Join ConnecTI for a special evening of food, music, and vintage vibes at Mollie Fontaine Lounge. Food will be provided by the inimitable folks at Another Roadside Attraction Catering, and the event will feature a special surprise musical guest. Bring your best Chanukah sweaters and a small gift for a White Elephant gift exchange (no more than $20), and let’s get festive!

RSVP here
Thursday, December 26
7 PM - 10 PM

Mollie Fontaine Lounge, 1580 Vollintine Ave
$36 per person (comes with two drink tickets)


  • Mini Smash Burgers, Cheese, Caramelized Onions, Special Sauce
  • Bobo’s special Latkes + Sugar and Applesauce
  • Corn Fritters + Sundried Blueberry Mint Chutney-Sesame Pecan Chicken Spring Rolls + Arugula Cabbage Carrot Mint Slaw rolled in Rice Paper + Ms. Cindy’s Dippin’ Sauce


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