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Challah Bake with Josh Steiner of Hive Bagel & Deli

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Join us for a fun and delicious Sunday afternoon making challah with Josh Steiner, owner and operator of Hive Bagel & Deli located on Front Street.

On Sunday, August 18, we’ll gather in the Scheidt Family Center at 3 PM and Josh will walk us through the process of preparing and twisting the dough and customizing each loaf of challah that everyone can take home to bake.

It’s guaranteed to be a fun afternoon shared with friends and family and a delicious finish to your weekend.

COST: $18 per person

When you register, you will also have an opportunity to order some of Hive’s bagels and cream cheese to be delivered to Temple on the day of the event.


Register here
Sunday, August 18
3 PM - 5:30 PM
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