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Kindergartenchildren must be five years old
Judaics, Hebrew, & Enrichment

The kindergarten program is designed to incorporate both structured and unstructured learning opportunities to maximize academic and social growth. Our low teacher: student ratio allows differentiation in all content areas while incorporating student interests. We implement a curriculum where students participate in a combination of large and small group hands-on activities to learn concepts and skills. Through collaborative learning, students master concepts by learning from both the teacher and each other. Interdisciplinary instruction allows students to better understand concepts by experiencing the ideas through more than one subject. Experiencing the concepts through more than one perspective enhances students’ learning. Reading and literacy are taught using Scott Foresman’s Reading Street. To best cater to our student’s learning needs, we teach reading and writing through phonics and phoneme work, journal writing, one-on-one student-to-teacher reading instruction, small group reading centers, and sight word study.

Math is taught through Scott Foresman’s EnvisionMath program. This program develops conceptual understanding through daily problem-based interactive learning and step-by-step visual learning. These strategies deepen conceptual understanding by making meaningful connections for students and delivering strong, sequential visual/verbal connections in every lesson.

Science is taught through literature and hands-on experiments. Science concepts are incorporated into our weekly theme so that children better understand how the world works and have authentic situations that support their curiosity, language, math, and literacy skills. Science experiments follow the Scientific Method. Students are given a problem, they gather information, form a hypothesis, test the hypothesis and draw conclusions.

We approach our lessons with children through a Jewish lens. Our strong love and respect for Judaism are communicated through our actions, celebrations, intergenerational connections, traditions, and learning experiences. Beyond customs, rituals, and holidays, we seek to imbue our classroom with a depth of Jewish values every day. Jewish values are incorporated daily and include Hebrew language classes and our weekly Shabbat celebration.

Judaics & Hebrew Language

For our preschool, the Judaic curriculum is multi-faceted. Jewish holidays are celebrated with lessons, songs, and the Hebrew language. Jewish values are woven throughout the daily plans. Children also learn about Israel and Israeli customs. Shabbat is celebrated each Friday morning with prayer, songs, and Torah stories with our rabbis. The Hebrew language is introduced with Hebrew Through Movement. Learning a foreign language at an early age increases cognitive abilities such as analytical mathematics, critical thinking, creativity, and flexibility of mind. The Alef-Bet, Hebrew alphabet, is introduced at the kindergarten level.


Starboard, Pre-K, Jr. K, and Kindergarten children attend exceptional enrichment programs on a weekly basis. Enrichment programs include Music and Movement with Ms. Kathlyn, Jewish Music with Mo-Rah Abbie, Hebrew Through Movement with Ms. Reut, Yoga and Fitness Ms. Kathlyn, Library with Ms. Kay, and Shabbat with our clergy.

After School Clubs

After School Clubs are available for a fee for children in Pre-K, Jr. K, and Kindergarten. Offerings include Ballet, Art, Fitness Fun, STEAM, Gardening, and Top Chef Cooking clubs. There is an additional fee for attending After School Clubs. However, if your child is already enrolled in After Care, there is a discount.

We want to hear from you!

Please contact us with any questions by emailing the BKL ELC front desk at bklfrontdesk@timemphis.org or calling 901.937.2784.

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